Green Infrastructure: A European Success Story

Green Infrastructure enables nature to deliver a range of benefits to ecosystems and people, including for health and quality of life. They are key to driving jobs and growth while tackling our environmental challenges head on. Many success cases demonstrate the value of investing in Green Infrastructure. That is why the European Commission in 2013 adopted a strategy promoting Green Infrastructure.

The conference entitled “Green Infrastructure: A European success story” took place on 5 May 2015 in Brussels. The conference took stock of the implementation of the Green Infrastructure strategy and aimed to renew the political commitment of the different actors involved.

Commissioner Karmenu Vella presented progress in implementing the European Commission’s Green Infrastructure strategy, and its contribution to the new Commission priorities. Members of both Committees, policy makers, businesses, civil society and authorities provided their views. The conference represented a timely opportunity to highlight the contribution of Green Infrastructure to Europe 2020. It also provided the opportunity to exchange best practices, and illustrate how local and regional authorities can boost the social, economic and environmental benefits from Green Infrastructure to European citizens, including through participative planning processes.

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