Building the Circular Economy with Bio-Based Materials and Products
On Friday the 23 of September MEP Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Chair of the working group on “Bioeconomy” of the EP Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Sustainable Development” together with the European Bioeconomy Alliance (EUBA) hosted an Assistants Lunchtime Briefing on “Building the Circular Economy with Bio-based Materials and Products“. The bioeconomy is circular by nature, and the concepts of circular economy and bioeconomy are closely interconnected. In the context of the ongoing discussions on the Circular Economy Package and the legislative proposals on waste the briefing highlighed the following:
> What it is and why it is important for Europe
> Its relation to EU policy objectives on jobs and growth, climate and sustainability
> Examples of sectors, markets and business models for the circular economy
> The interconnection between the bioeconomy and the circular economy
> Showcase examples of innovative products / materials
> Their role in the Circular Economy Package and waste legislative proposals