The Biodiversity Impact Mitigation (BIM) hierarchy and marine megafauna by-catch management: a bridge between conservation and fisheries
A new conceptual model applying the BIM to bycatch management has been developed by a team lead by Dr Milner-Gulland and colleagues, including Serge M. Garcia and Tony Charles from FEG. The BIM is widely used on land to promote development with No Net Loss (NNL) of biodiversity. The conceptual …

FEG Participation at IMPAC4
Chair of IUCN/CEM/FEG, Mr Serge Garcia along with members Mr. Michael Kasier and Mrs. Despina Symons will actively participate at the 4th International Marine Protected Area Congress, taking place from 4-8 September 2017 in Chile. This major event is held every 3 years and is usually organised by IUCN and …

FEG participation at the UN Ocean Conference
Chair of IUCN/CEM/FEG, Mr Serge Garcia along with members Mr. Jake Rice and Mrs. Despina Symons participated on behalf of FEG at the UN Ocean Conference that took place from 5-9 June in New York. They co-organised and participated in a multitude of events, see below for further information. Rebuilding …

Welcome to a new FEG member!
Professor Michel Kaiser, teacher in Marine Conservation Ecology at the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University has just joined the Fisheries Expert Group of the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (IUCN-CEM-FEG). Professor Kaiser’s competence lies at the interface between conservation and fisheries, the effects of fishing and aquaculture on the …

Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Fisheries
Organizing this side event at the CBD COP13 in Cancun, Mexico, FEG contributed to the overall dialogue on “mainstreaming” biodiversity in sectorial management, as the central theme of the entire COP. This issue was brought to EBCD and FEG’s attention by the Executive Secretary of the CBD, who asked …

Small-scale fisheries communities and Aichi Target 11: Achieving conservation, sustainable livelihoods and food security in MPAs and other effective area-based measures (OEABMs)
At the UN Conference on Biodiversity (CBD) COP13 held from the 4-17 December in Cancun, Mexico, EBCD together with the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, IUCN-CEM-FEG and in collaboration with ICSF organised a side event on the 7th of December entitled Small-scale fisheries communities and Aichi Target 11: Achieving conservation, sustainable livelihoods …

Aichi Biodiversity Target 6 on Sustainable Fisheries: Improving reporting & working towards implementation
Building on collaboration among the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership, this event highlighted work by IUCN-Fisheries Expert Group, the European Bureau for Conservation and Development, the CBD Secretariat and FAO in developing advice for indicators and implementation of measuring progress against Aichi Target 6: “By 2020 all fish and invertebrate stocks and aquatic …

European Parliament Hearing: Marine Protected Areas – marine biodiversity and ecosystems for the Blue Economy
Serge Garcia was invited to make a presentation at Public Hearing in the European Parliament Fisheries Committee on MPAs and fisheries on the 9th of November 2016. The presentation covered inter alia hot issues related to the Global coverage % adopted at the WPC in 2014 and at IUCN-WCC in 2016 …

Sustainable Ocean Initiative: “Global dialogue with regional seas organizations and regional fisheries bodies on accelerating progress towards the AICHI biodiversity target”
This workshop was organized at the initiative of the CBD/SOI (Sustainable Ocean Initiative) and UNEP in collaboration with the FAO, the IUCN/CEM/FEG, RFMOS, GOBI (Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative), and the Government of the Republic of Korea. For the first time the workshop brought together the Regional Seas Organizations (RSOs) such …

Food Security in marine protected areas: reality or utopia?
This meeting was held at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, and co-sponsored by EBCD, and organized by Djibril Ly, from the Observatoire du Parc National du Banc d’Arguin (Mauritania), member of the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA). Focussing initially on the Banc D’Arguin situation, it brought around the table …