A Wealth of Integrated Ocean Assessments – what do they tell us and what should we do with them?
Serge Garcia, Jake Rice and Despina Symons actively participated in the IUCN Congress, held in Hawaii (1-10 September). FEG had been actively involved in the preparations throughout the year, participating in discussions and providing amendments to the draft motions being submitted by IUCN members with the view to ensure a …

Blue Economy: Reducing the impact of marine fisheries bycatch on biodiversity: policy, economic instruments and technical change
Serge Garcia, Jake Rice and Despina Symons actively participated in the IUCN Congress, held in Hawaii (1-10 September). FEG had been actively involved in the preparations throughout the year, participating in discussions and providing amendments to the draft motions being submitted by IUCN members with the view to ensure a …

Time to act for Oceans in the 2030 Agenda: collaborative partnerships for SDG 14
Aiming at generating innovative ideas and practical ways forward to achieve the SDG 14 on Oceans, the workshop considered how are governments, civil society, businesses and communities delivering on the SDG 14? How are they addressing trade-offs between SDG 14 aspirations and other goals? What are the key elements of …

The challenge of preserving the health of the world’s oceans. Session 2 on Fisheries and ocean governance
Serge Garcia was invited to participate to this high level Plenary Panel session part of the IUCN World Conservation Congress. The aim of this 40 minutes’ session was to enable a broader strategic discussion and horizon scanning on priority topics regarding fisheries. It was supposed to allow the panellists to …

Aichi Biodiversity Target 6 on Sustainable Fisheries: Improving reporting & working towards implementation
Both Serge Garcia and Despina Symons actively participated in the FAO/COFI meeting held in Rome 11-15 July, as part of the IUCN Delegation, an important partner to FAO. Following the Joint FAO-CBD-IUCN/FEG Expert Meeting on Target 6 and the commitment to bring the recommendations to the upcoming COFI meeting, FEG …

High Level Panel on SDG 14
The panel was organized by UN-DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs in July at the UN General Assembly. Jake Rice was an invited presenter and Panellist, speaking on the importance of not viewing SDG 14 on the oceans in isolation from the other SDGs. Rather it is important to …

ICES/MSEAS Symposium on Understanding marine socio-ecological systems: including the human dimension in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments
Jake Rice (who was also in the Scientific Committee of the Symposium), Serge Garcia and Tony Charles were invited to give keynote addresses of this symposium which signalled the formal entry of the concept of social-ecological systems in conventional quarters if fisheries science. Garcia made a presentation on “Fisheries: from …

Fishing: An activity under a great diversity of constraints
Serge Garcia, Chair of the Fisheries Expert Group, took part in the conference organised by the Paris Oceanographic Institute entitled “Le monde de la pêche face à de nouveaux défis: environnementaux, sociaux et économiques –Une gouvernance plus écologique pour une conservation plus humaine ” (The fisheries world facing new challenges: …

Aichi Biodiversity Target 6 on Sustainable Fisheries: Improving reporting & working towards implementation
Organised at the CBD SBSSTA, this event building on collaboration among the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership, this event highlighted work by IUCN-Fisheries Expert Group, the European Bureau for Conservation and Development, the CBD Secretariat and FAO in developing advice for indicators and implementation of measuring progress against Aichi Target 6: “By 2020 …

Small-scale fisheries communities and Aichi Target 11: Achieving conservation, sustainable livelihoods and food security in MPAs and other effective area-based measures (OEABMs)
Organised at the CBD SBSSTA, this event highlighted that overexploitation, environmental degradation, social inequities, tenure insecurity and poverty are interconnected threats to aquatic biodiversity conservation and to coastal and rural communities that depend on aquatic resources for their livelihoods and well-being. It is crucial to determine the appropriate forms of …