EP Think Tank publishes fact sheet on EU Fisheries and Aquaculture

European aquaculture: is stagnating by contrast with increasing rates of aquaculture production at world level and, in particular, in Asia. To try to dampen this trend, the Commission published two communications with strategies for developing European aquaculture, one in 2002 and another in 2009. The 2002 strategy failed to increase European production, and since then competition from third countries has sharply increased, there have been several market crises, and the global economic crisis has hit the aquaculture market and industry. This led to the publication in 2013 of a third Commission communication, aimed at achieving the sustainable development of EU aquaculture and proposing strategic guidelines.

European Aquaculture Fact sheet

EU Fisheries: The tables show basic statistical data in several areas relating to the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), namely: the fishing fleets of the Member States in 2014 (Table I), the situation of employment in the fisheries, aquaculture and fish processing sectors in 2011 (Table II), the supply balance of fisheries and aquaculture products in 2012 (Table III), the consumption of fisheries and aquaculture products in 2012 (Table IV), and the resource allocations of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund from 2014 to 2020 (Table V).

EU Fisheries figures

Source: EP Think Tank

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