New face in the Intergroup Secretariat

Stella Reschke joined the Secretariat in May 2017, taking over from Paolo Mattana. As EU Affairs Manager, she serves as Secretary of the Intergroup and coordinates the work with her colleague Lynn Sundelius.  Previously working as Programme Officer for Sustainability in ANEC, the European Consumer Voice in Standardisation, she dealt with various topics including ecodesign, smart energy systems and circular economy from a consumer’s perspective. Before that she gained field experience in Burundi, when strengthening a local Environmental NGO in their communication activities and supporting the water and sanitation sector reform in the country. Stella started her career in the United Nations Environment Programme, supporting the implementation of Memoranda of Understanding concluded under the auspices of the Convention on Migratory Species. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Languages and Communication and a Master’s degree in European Studies.

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