AAC Executive Committee

AAC Agenda EXCOM meeting 24.04.17

AAC Working Group 2 – Shellfish

Photo credit: DG MARE, EC

AAC Working Group 1 – Fish

Members of WG1 Fish

European Commission promotes EU aquaculture at Edinburgh conference

Fish farmed in the European Union is among the best in the world: a tasty, high-quality dish produced according to the world’s strictest health and environmental standards. European aquaculture is also a sector with vast growth potential: today, 57% of the farmed fish consumed in the EU is imported. To …

FAO publishes its “State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2016” Report

The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture aims to provide objective, reliable and up-to-date data and information to a wide range of readers – policy-makers, managers, scientists, stakeholders and indeed all those interested in the fisheries and aquaculture sector. As always, the scope is global and the topics many and …

EP Think Tank publishes fact sheet on EU Fisheries and Aquaculture

European aquaculture: is stagnating by contrast with increasing rates of aquaculture production at world level and, in particular, in Asia. To try to dampen this trend, the Commission published two communications with strategies for developing European aquaculture, one in 2002 and another in 2009. The 2002 strategy failed to increase European …