At the frontline of climate change: Key changes in the Polar Regions that call for European action

On Wednesday 26 September 2018, Christel Schaldemose MEP, Chair of the “Polar Regions” Working Group of the EP Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Sustainable Development” hosted the event “At the frontline of climate change: Key changes in the Polar Regions that call for European action”.  In the Arctic and Antarctic, dramatic physical changes …

The European Arctic Policy: International Cooperation towards Sustainable Development

The European Arctic Policy International Cooperation towards Sustainable Development   In light of the new EU Arctic Policy and the European Parliament’s on-going discussion of the broader European role in the Arctic, policy-makers and representatives from the Arctic Community gathered for an exchange of views on the issues, particularly highlighting …

Sustainable Management & Trade of Seal Products

Following the decision by the WTO Appellate Body the EU must now change its seal trade regime and comply with the decision at the latest by 18 October 2015. In February 2015 the European Commission has presented a proposal to ban trade in products from seals taken in EU waters. …