Poachers or Protectors? Local Communities at the Frontline of Conservation

The European Parliament welcomed high-level experts in the domain of wildlife conservation to discuss the role of local communities in wildlife management. The experts, primarily members of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW), highlighted that legal and sustainable wildlife trade can support wildlife conservation and contribute to sustainable …

Poachers or Protectors? Local Communities at the Frontline of Conservation – What really drives wildlife trade, hunting and trafficking?

The European Parliament welcomed high-level experts in the domain of wildlife conservation to discuss the role of local communities in wildlife management. The experts, primarily members of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW), highlighted that legal and sustainable wildlife trade can support wildlife conservation and contribute to sustainable …

Boosting Biodiversity Research Cooperation

Policy-makers and stakeholders gathered in the European Parliament to engage with the NetBiome network, which highlighted the need to face the challenges of conserving the rich biodiversity found in the EU Outermost Regions and Overseas Countries and Territories. It called upon Europe to reconcile nature protection with sustainable human development …

Boosting Biodiversity Research Cooperation – A NetBiome Roadmap for European (sub)Tropical Overseas

“The Netbiome partnership is a unique example of a research network built by and for the EU Overseas”   – José Azevedo, project coordinator Policy-makers and stakeholders gathered in the European Parliament to engage with the NetBiome network, which highlighted the need to face the challenges of conserving the rich biodiversity …

Promoting partnerships in the European Overseas

“By sharing our experiences the European Overseas can make a significant contribution to the COP21 process and future commitments” Maurice Ponga Member of the European Parliament  EU decision-makers and stakeholders gathered in the European Parliament to discuss the pivotal role of European Overseas and the significance they play in protecting …

Fisheries Governance & Biodiversity Conservation

IUCN’s fisheries expert called the European Parliament and European Commission to give more attention to the need for joint governance of fisheries and biodiversity conservation and to reinforce support to the social aspects of fisheries as the sector has now to face strong pressure groups with different interests. Serge Garcia, …

photo credit: US Department of State

Second Our Oceans Conference

At the conclusion of the June 2014 Our Oceans Conference, which was convened by the US State Department in Washington, DC, Chile offered to host the second meeting

ICCAT – Annual Meeting

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas is an inter-governmental fishery organization responsible for the conservation of tunas and tuna-like species in the Atlantic Ocean and its adjacent seas. ICCAT compiles fishery statistics from its members and from all entities fishing for these species in the Atlantic Ocean,coordinates …