Fleet report shows progress towards more sustainable fleet levels

The Commission adopted the annual fleet report (2013) last week. The report shows that Member States are continuing to make progress in adjusting their fishing capacity and achieving a balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities. On 1 January 2014, 86.879 vessels were registered in the EU fleet register, with …

NAFO enhances the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs)

The European Commission welcomes the decisions during the 37th annual meeting of NAFO (North Atlantic Fisheries Organisation, 21-25 September 2015, Halifax, Canada), which contain a strong commitment of its Contracting Parties to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems, by adopting Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for a number of stocks taking due account …

EVENT on CFP: The External Dimension as a Driver for Change

Sustainable Fisheries & Regional Cooperation The Long-Distance Advisory Council (LDAC) is delighted to announce a high-level workshop to discuss the role of the external dimension of the reformed CFP as a driver for sustainability and good governance outside EU waters, with a special focus on Africa.  With an excellent line-up of speakers and a wide range …

Commission proposes Baltic Sea fishing opportunities for 2016: more stocks than ever before to be fished at sustainable levels

The European Commission today tabled its proposal on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea for 2016. This is the annual proposal for the amount of fish that EU fishermen may catch from the Baltic Sea’s 10 main commercial fish stocks, also known as Total Allowable Catch (TAC). What is new …

Seminar “State of Fish Stocks and the Economics of Fishing Fleets”

The annual seminar “State of Fish Stocks and the Economics of Fishing Fleets” organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) took place at the European Commission premises on the 14th July 2015. The event was chaired by Director General for DG MARE, Lowri Evans. …

Positive state of ICES fish stocks presented to European Commission

Today, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) delivered an overview of the status of a host of fish and shellfish stocks across the Northeast Atlantic for which the organization has provided advice on this year. The Chair of ICES Advisory Committee, Eskild Kirkegaard, presented the information …

Fisheries priorities under the Luxembourg EU presidency

Luxembourg has taken the office of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union has taken office since Wednesday the 1st July 2015 until the 31st December 2015 (next Presidency is the Netherlands and Slovakia for the year 2016). Regarding fisheries, the Presidency’s priorities are: The principle of sustainability …

Atlantic stakeholder platform conference

As part of the implementation of the Atlantic Action Plan, the European Commission invites stakeholders to share their practical knowledge and ideas at the Atlantic Stakeholder Platform conference. The 2nd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform conference, to be held on 29 October 2015 in Brest, will bring relevant stakeholders together and through …

No progress on Baltic Plan: “Council does not want to keep fish stocks at healthy levels”, say MEPs

Following negotiations spread over several meetings between Parliament, Council and the Commission, no agreement could be reached on Wednesday on the draft multiannual plan for fisheries in the Baltic Sea to ensure the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks and offer fishermen increased predictability over the long run.   “The refusal …

FUTURE BRIEF: Sustainable Aquaculture

Aquaculture is the fastest growing animal sector of worldwide food production. But, in Europe — in contrast with the rest of the world — the sector is stagnating and imports of seafood into the EU are rising. The EU’s Blue Growth Strategy identifies aquaculture — the farming of fish, shellfish …