Green Infrastructure: A European Success Story

Green Infrastructure enables nature to deliver a range of benefits to ecosystems and people, including for health and quality of life. They are key to driving jobs and growth while tackling our environmental challenges head on. Many success cases demonstrate the value of investing in Green Infrastructure. That is why …

Circular Economy and Packaging: The role of EPR

The packaged goods supply chain has already made significant progress towards a Circular Economy, though there is potential to unlock further growth, investment and innovation with a harmonised and clear EU legislative framework. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes to recycle and recover used packaging are established in most Member States. …

Access to Water: A public good and a human right

The Water Framework Directive states that ‘water is not a commercial product like any other but, rather, a heritage which must be protected, defended and treated as such’. Water and sanitation are a human right that depends on the availability of an essential and scarce resource. Access to water is …

Towards sustainable management and trade possibilities of seal products

Following the decision by the WTO Appellate Body the EU must now change its seal trade regime and comply with the decision at the latest by 18 October 2015. In February 2015 the European Commission has presented a proposal to ban trade in products from seals taken in EU waters. …

IOTC results are warmly welcomed by the EU

The 19th meeting of the IOTC was held in Busan, Korea, from 24 April to 1 May 2015. The IOTC adopted six EU proposals (stand alone or co-sponsored), including improved reporting requirements, a reinsertion of the expired IOTC capacity management framework and a conservation measure on billfish with clear indications …

Landing obligation is approved

Fishermen will have two years to “adapt” before sanctions for failing to comply with the new fish “discard” ban take effect, under a law passed by Parliament on Tuesday. The draft law, already informally agreed by MEPs and ministers, amends the “omnibus” regulation on arrangements for enforcing the ban. Obliging …

Baltic Multiannual management plan is just around the corner

On the 28th April 2015 the European Parliament gave a positive vote on the multiannual Baltic Plan, a long-term management plan which establishes targets and conservation reference points for cod, sprat and herring stocks. The plan is a big step forward in making fishing in the Baltic more sustainable. It …

Thailand warned to take action on IUU fishing

On the 21st April 2015, The European Commission put Thailand on formal notice for not taking sufficient measures in the international fight against illegal fishing (IUU). As a result of a thorough analysis and a series of discussions with Thai authorities since 2011, the Commission has denounced the country’s shortcomings …

Measures adopted to help sea bass recover

On the 23rd March 2015 the Council of the European Union adopted measures to help sea bass recover. For recreational fishing, which accounts for 25% of sea bass mortality, the decision will mean the introduction of a limit of three fish per day per angler. Learn more about sea bass …