Manifesto for the European elections 2019

HISTORY After 25 years of successful work, the Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Sustainable Development constitutes one of the longest standing and respected Intergroups in the European Parliament. Since its establishment in 1994, it has brought together Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) from all political groups and parliamentary …

EP Think Tank publishes fact sheet on EU Fisheries and Aquaculture

European aquaculture: is stagnating by contrast with increasing rates of aquaculture production at world level and, in particular, in Asia. To try to dampen this trend, the Commission published two communications with strategies for developing European aquaculture, one in 2002 and another in 2009. The 2002 strategy failed to increase European …

European Court of Justice decides in favor of European Parliament in cod case

Today the European Court of Justice ruled in favour of the European Parliament regarding the multiannual cod plan in the Atlantic and North Sea (Case C-124/13). Read the Court ruling here. This means that the Council of the EU did not have the authority to split the proposal for a …

EVENT on CFP: The External Dimension as a Driver for Change

Sustainable Fisheries & Regional Cooperation The Long-Distance Advisory Council (LDAC) is delighted to announce a high-level workshop to discuss the role of the external dimension of the reformed CFP as a driver for sustainability and good governance outside EU waters, with a special focus on Africa.  With an excellent line-up of speakers and a wide range …

Fisheries priorities under the Luxembourg EU presidency

Luxembourg has taken the office of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union has taken office since Wednesday the 1st July 2015 until the 31st December 2015 (next Presidency is the Netherlands and Slovakia for the year 2016). Regarding fisheries, the Presidency’s priorities are: The principle of sustainability …

No progress on Baltic Plan: “Council does not want to keep fish stocks at healthy levels”, say MEPs

Following negotiations spread over several meetings between Parliament, Council and the Commission, no agreement could be reached on Wednesday on the draft multiannual plan for fisheries in the Baltic Sea to ensure the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks and offer fishermen increased predictability over the long run.   “The refusal …

Linking the fishery and biodiversity communities

Landing obligation – Omnibus regulation enters into force

Following the adoption of the omnibus regulation in the European Parliament’s plenary on the 27th April 2015, the Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers’ Council gave, on its part, the green light on the agreed text on the 11th May 2015. As foreseen in the procedure, the regulation is consequently published in …

Source: Wikipedia

ECJ Advocate General says Council acted unlawfully on Cod Plan

In the long-standing dispute about the Parliament’s powers as co-legislator in the domain of fisheries policy, the Advocate General of the Court of Justice (ECJ) on Thursday supported the Parliament’s plea that the Council was wrong in splitting the proposal for a multiannual cod plan and adopting part of it …