Integrating economic advice into EU fisheries management

To manage our EU fisheries well, we need sound data, analysis and advice, both biological and economic. How do we make sure that the data on which we build our fisheries policies and management decisions are timely, accurate and indeed relevant? A European Commission conference, underway in Malta today and …

Contributions received on the Consultation on International Ocean Governance are published

The European Commission has published the contributions from Public authorities, Registered and Non-registered organisations and individual citizens on the Public consultation on “International Ocean Governance”, which was launched in summer 2015. It has also provided a list with all the answers received. Visit the EC’s webpage here: PUBLIC CONSULTATION and check …

European Court of Justice decides in favor of European Parliament in cod case

Today the European Court of Justice ruled in favour of the European Parliament regarding the multiannual cod plan in the Atlantic and North Sea (Case C-124/13). Read the Court ruling here. This means that the Council of the EU did not have the authority to split the proposal for a …

How Can Industry Innovation meet the Challenges of the CFP Landing Obligation

ROUNDTABLE: How Can Industry Innovation meet the Challenges of the CFP Landing Obligation? Chaired by: Alain Cadec MEP Chair of the “Fisheries, Aquaculture & Integrated Maritime Policy” working group of the EP Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Sustainable Development“ The landing obligation is one of the biggest challenges to …

Fleet report shows progress towards more sustainable fleet levels

The Commission adopted the annual fleet report (2013) last week. The report shows that Member States are continuing to make progress in adjusting their fishing capacity and achieving a balance between fishing capacity and fishing opportunities. On 1 January 2014, 86.879 vessels were registered in the EU fleet register, with …

Understanding fisheries technical rules

Fisheries technical measures encompass a large variety of rules which set various characteristics of fishing gear and specifications for its use or which restrict certain type of fishing in some areas or time periods. They are intended to prevent the catching of marine organisms that should not be caught in …

NAFO enhances the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs)

The European Commission welcomes the decisions during the 37th annual meeting of NAFO (North Atlantic Fisheries Organisation, 21-25 September 2015, Halifax, Canada), which contain a strong commitment of its Contracting Parties to protect vulnerable marine ecosystems, by adopting Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for a number of stocks taking due account …