Economic incentives for fisheries management during the European Development Days 2015

EDD15’s theme is ‘Our world, our dignity, our future’. Dr Essam Mohammed, senior researcher in IIED’s fisheries team, will moderate a high-level presentation on economic incentives for fisheries management in Bangladesh, and IIED is co-hosting a session that is focused on the role of public and private finance in providing access …

Source: Wikipedia

ECJ Advocate General says Council acted unlawfully on Cod Plan

In the long-standing dispute about the Parliament’s powers as co-legislator in the domain of fisheries policy, the Advocate General of the Court of Justice (ECJ) on Thursday supported the Parliament’s plea that the Council was wrong in splitting the proposal for a multiannual cod plan and adopting part of it …

photo credit: US Department of State

Second Our Oceans Conference

At the conclusion of the June 2014 Our Oceans Conference, which was convened by the US State Department in Washington, DC, Chile offered to host the second meeting

EC launches 2 public consultations

The European Commission is currently performing a ‘Fitness Check’ of the Birds Directive and the Habitats Directive — Directive 2009/147/EC and Council Directive 92/43/EEC respectively. In this context, it has launched a public online consultation. As part of the Commission’s Smart Regulation policy, the Fitness Check is intended to verify …

Blue Week

Blueweek Presentation In June 2015, Portugal will host the Blue Week, a meeting platform for all of those who care about the ocean. Click here to watch the presentation video

Seafood Expo Global

The World’s Largest Seafood Event Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global is the world’s largest seafood trade event, featuring more than 1,700 exhibiting companies from over 70 countries. Exhibitors supply all types of fish, seafood and seafood-related products or services. Attendees travel from 150 countries to do business at the three-day …