New Tools for Farming in the Circular Economy: Creating a Single Market for the Fertilising Products that Farmers Need?

 “Agriculture is not old-fashioned but in fact an innovative and modern sector” Jan Huitema MEP Policy-makers and stakeholders gathered in the European Parliament to discuss the recently updated Fertilisers Regulation underlining that the creation of a single market is crucial in order to provide businesses and farmers with the variety …

The 21st century is Bioeconomy: will Europe lead?

Chaired by: Miapetra Kumpula-Natri MEP Chair of the “Bioeconomy” Working Group With the participation of Mr John Bell Director in charge of Bioeconomy, DG RTD, European Commission   The bioeconomy comprises the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, feed, bio-based products and bioenergy via innovative, efficient technologies. The bioeconomy …

How Can Industry Innovation meet the Challenges of the CFP Landing Obligation

ROUNDTABLE: How Can Industry Innovation meet the Challenges of the CFP Landing Obligation? Chaired by: Alain Cadec MEP Chair of the “Fisheries, Aquaculture & Integrated Maritime Policy” working group of the EP Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Sustainable Development“ The landing obligation is one of the biggest challenges to …

Positioning Europe in Global Science

POSITIONING EUROPE IN GLOBAL SCIENCE FUTURE EARTH EUROPEAN LAUNCH EVENT OF ITS 8-POINT PLAN FOR SOLUTIONS-ORIENTED GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY RESEARCH On Tuesday 3 February 2015 Members of European Parliament (MEPs), European and international institutions, research funders and leading researchers will sit around the table in the European Parliament (EP) on the …

Where’s the Bioeconomy? Update your knowledge

“The Bioeconomy isn’t just something for the future, it is already part of our lives” Strasbourg, 10 March 2015: Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen in charge of Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness attended the kick-off meeting of the “Bioeconomy” working group of the European Parliament Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and …

Circular Economy and Packaging

On 23 April, industry, municipalities and NGO representatives echoed a common message to EU policy-makers about (1) the need to clearly define Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), and (2) the need to set up binding EPR minimum performance requirements in the Waste Framework Directive and Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive. This …