Poachers or Protectors? Local Communities at the Frontline of Conservation

The European Parliament welcomed high-level experts in the domain of wildlife conservation to discuss the role of local communities in wildlife management. The experts, primarily members of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW), highlighted that legal and sustainable wildlife trade can support wildlife conservation and contribute to sustainable …

Poachers or Protectors? Local Communities at the Frontline of Conservation – What really drives wildlife trade, hunting and trafficking?

The European Parliament welcomed high-level experts in the domain of wildlife conservation to discuss the role of local communities in wildlife management. The experts, primarily members of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW), highlighted that legal and sustainable wildlife trade can support wildlife conservation and contribute to sustainable …

Integrating economic advice into EU fisheries management

To manage our EU fisheries well, we need sound data, analysis and advice, both biological and economic. How do we make sure that the data on which we build our fisheries policies and management decisions are timely, accurate and indeed relevant? A European Commission conference, underway in Malta today and …

EU speaks out at UN General Assembly in favour of better managed oceans and sustainable fishing

Oceans, seas and their resources are an important part of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. The international community has the responsibility to implement agreed commitments properly in order to counter the major threats to the marine environment and ensure that sustainable development targets are met. This was the EU’s message …

How Can Industry Innovation meet the Challenges of the CFP Landing Obligation

ROUNDTABLE: How Can Industry Innovation meet the Challenges of the CFP Landing Obligation? Chaired by: Alain Cadec MEP Chair of the “Fisheries, Aquaculture & Integrated Maritime Policy” working group of the EP Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Sustainable Development“ The landing obligation is one of the biggest challenges to …

Europe’s forests in the sustainability spotlight

  “Sustainable forest management is an integral part of achieving a green economy”  Elisabeth Köstinger, Member of European Parliament EU decision-makers and stakeholders gathered in the European Parliament to discuss sustainable forest management in Europe and the important role that forests play in establishing a bioeconomy, creating jobs and growth, …

MPAs and Fisheries Management

SUMMARY REPORT MARINE PROTECTED AREAS AND FISHERIES MANAGEMENT  Policy makers, academic researchers and representatives from civil society gathered on Tuesday 13 October in the European Parliament, to discuss the issue of “Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and Fisheries Management”, chaired by MEP Isabelle Thomas. MEP Isabelle Thomas, Co-Chair of the Fisheries, …

Economic incentives for fisheries management during the European Development Days 2015

EDD15’s theme is ‘Our world, our dignity, our future’. Dr Essam Mohammed, senior researcher in IIED’s fisheries team, will moderate a high-level presentation on economic incentives for fisheries management in Bangladesh, and IIED is co-hosting a session that is focused on the role of public and private finance in providing access …