‘European Week of Bees and Pollinators’ 2018: High-Level Conference

Organized by: Michel Dantin MEP Chair of the “Apiculture & Bee Health” Working Group of the EP Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Sustainable Development” This year we focused on ’’How is the agricultural community mobilized to protect bees?’’. Bee Week 2018 was hosted by MEP Michel Dantin, Chair of the “Apiculture …

Towards a new EU policy for sustainable bioenergy: The role of forest biomass for climate change mitigation and adaption

Policy-makers, scientists, and stakeholders gathered in the European Parliament to discuss the role of forest biomass in combating climate change and the impact of the Commission proposal for forest biomass sustainability criteria as part of the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II). Marijana Petir MEP and rapporteur on …

Bees & Biodiversity: new cooperations

Launched in 2012, the European Week of Bees and Pollination takes place annually at the European Parliament, bringing together representatives of the European and national institutions, beekeepers, farmers, animal health specialists, scientists, NGOs and the industry. Through discussions and other interactive activities, participants can exchange views, discuss recent developments related …