Poachers or Protectors? Local Communities at the Frontline of Conservation – What really drives wildlife trade, hunting and trafficking?

The European Parliament welcomed high-level experts in the domain of wildlife conservation to discuss the role of local communities in wildlife management. The experts, primarily members of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW), highlighted that legal and sustainable wildlife trade can support wildlife conservation and contribute to sustainable …

COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade: Report

The report of the Fourteeth Session of the COFI Sub-Committee on Fish Trade is now available here. Established in 1985, the Sub-Committee shall provide a forum for consultations on technical and economic aspects of international trade in fish and fishery products including pertinent aspects of production and consumption. In particular, …

Sustainable Management & Trade of Seal Products

Following the decision by the WTO Appellate Body the EU must now change its seal trade regime and comply with the decision at the latest by 18 October 2015. In February 2015 the European Commission has presented a proposal to ban trade in products from seals taken in EU waters. …