The Role of Biowaste in the Emerging Circular Economy

Stakeholders highlighted the key role that biowaste will have in the emerging circular economy and called upon EU decision-makers to support the proper management of biowaste as it will contribute to a more sustainable and resource-efficient Europe. “Proper management of biowaste should be at the core of EU strategies” Enzo …

Circular Economy and Packaging

On 23 April, industry, municipalities and NGO representatives echoed a common message to EU policy-makers about (1) the need to clearly define Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), and (2) the need to set up binding EPR minimum performance requirements in the Waste Framework Directive and Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive. This …

Ensuring a Non-Toxic Circular Economy

On Tuesday 5th of May, policy-makers and stakeholders were brought together by the European Parliament Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment and the Swedish Ministry of Environment and Energy, to discuss the importance of ensuring a non-toxic …

Ensuring a non-toxic circular economy

On Tuesday 5th of May, policy-makers and stakeholders were brought together by the European Parliament Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment and the Swedish Ministry of Environment and Energy, to discuss the importance of ensuring a non-toxic …

Circular Economy and Packaging: The role of EPR

The packaged goods supply chain has already made significant progress towards a Circular Economy, though there is potential to unlock further growth, investment and innovation with a harmonised and clear EU legislative framework. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) schemes to recycle and recover used packaging are established in most Member States. …