Poachers or Protectors? Local Communities at the Frontline of Conservation

The European Parliament welcomed high-level experts in the domain of wildlife conservation to discuss the role of local communities in wildlife management. The experts, primarily members of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW), highlighted that legal and sustainable wildlife trade can support wildlife conservation and contribute to sustainable …

Poachers or Protectors? Local Communities at the Frontline of Conservation – What really drives wildlife trade, hunting and trafficking?

The European Parliament welcomed high-level experts in the domain of wildlife conservation to discuss the role of local communities in wildlife management. The experts, primarily members of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW), highlighted that legal and sustainable wildlife trade can support wildlife conservation and contribute to sustainable …

The Role of Communities in Tackling Illegal Wildlife Trade

International experts called upon EU decision-makers to acknowledge the pivotal role of communities in supporting wildlife conservation – including the combat against wildlife crime – in their forthcoming strategies and action plans. “We need to harness political will in the right way, in the long-term for communities.” Rosie Cooney, IUCN …